A UK prepping site researching, discussing and planning for the world this may become when the lights go out, chaos reigns.... and the fires burn.

Category Books & DVDs

Whilst most preppers will build a substantial virtual library of books, guides and PDFs online for reference and reading material, I still prefer physical media whever possible and reading a book will always feel better to me that any ebook,PDF or other on-screen substitute does.  I also acquire DVDs relevant to bushcraft and survival (Ray Mears for example)

As books & DVDs are added to my library, I will be posting about them on the site and then, wherever possible, I will post reviews when I have read or watched them.

I also enjoy reading post-apocalyptic and dystopian fiction so you will find reviews of books such as  Max Brooks’ World War Z here as they have at least a passing relationship to the prepping mind.

Book Review: One Second After

It’s taken me a while to get around to writing a review of “One Second After” by William R. Forstchen, It was the first post-apocalyptic book I picked up when I first became interested in prepping and our future world… Continue Reading →

Source: SHTF Library

Urban Survival

As part of my prepping, I am building a SHTF library of PDFs.  One of the best collections I have found is over at Urban Survival ...

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